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Tuesday, October 1, 2024


I want to welcome J. F. Jones to Books R Us. J.D. is the author of the book Soul Love: Time Travel Romance. J.D is touring the Blogosphere with Pump Up Your Book. J.D. has written an interview just for Books R Us. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the blog Tour.


About the Book:




Title: Soul Love

Author: D.F. Jones

Publisher: Jones Media

Publication Date: September 3, 2024

Pages: 160

Genre: Fantasy, Time Travel Romance, Past Lives Romance



From USA Today bestselling author D.F. Jones comes Soul Love, a mesmerizing tale of past lives, time travel, and an unbreakable bond that transcends time itself.
What if a simple dinner invitation could change your life forever?
When Summer Jewel accepts a dinner invitation from her enigmatic new neighbor, her world is turned upside down. Suddenly transported to 1926 Heartsville, she uncovers shocking truths about a past life she never knew existed. This revelation ignites a journey brimming with turbulent emotions and undeniable desires, leaving her questioning everything she thought she knew.
Meanwhile, Rogan Randolph, a dedicated agent of The Order of the Invisible Effect, is tasked with subtly guiding the course of human history. His orderly world is thrown into chaos when a portal to his own past unexpectedly opens, offering him a chance to right a wrong. His mission becomes inextricably linked with Summer's, as she is the very woman he encounters in the future.
Together, Summer and Rogan must navigate the intricate complexities of love and destiny, confronting the mysteries of their intertwined past lives. Their actions ripple through time, challenging the very fabric of reality and altering the course of their journey. True love is never lost, and some connections last forever.
Escape into Soul Love, where destiny and passion weave a captivating narrative that explores the enduring power of love and the intriguing possibilities of fate.
Prepare to be swept off your feet with this spellbinding story of love, loss, and the magic of second chances.
Soul Love is available at Amazon

Welcome, D.F.! Can you tell us when you started writing?

D.F.: Wow, what an amazing journey this writing adventure has been! Reflecting on how it all started, I can’t help but feel a surge of gratitude for the path that led me here. From the early days, my dad was the storyteller in our family—the original bard who spun tales that filled our home with magic. His stories were my first taste of the extraordinary, sparking a flame in my imagination that still burns bright.

My first official foray into writing was starting a school newspaper, a small but significant step that allowed me to bring stories to life. I still remember adapting "Frankenstein" into a screenplay—it was like discovering a new world, one where I could blend the old with the new, weaving my own twist into a classic tale. That was when I knew storytelling was in my blood.

Running an advertising agency later on brought a different kind of storytelling into my life. Each campaign was a mini-narrative, a 30-second challenge to capture hearts and minds. It was a fast-paced, creative whirlwind that taught me how to communicate effectively and make every second count. I even developed a thirty-minute television show for one client.

Life, however, has a way of rewriting our scripts. When I found myself caring for my parents, fiction became my sanctuary—a world where I could explore the boundless ‘what ifs’ that danced in my mind. Writing became more than just a creative outlet; it was my escape, my way of navigating life’s ups and downs. Each story I wrote was a doorway to a new universe, a chance to explore the endless possibilities of the human experience.

Can you tell us how you came up with your title?

D.F.: My spiritual side has always drawn me to the invisible threads that connect us all—threads that weave through souls and stars alike. This fascination with the eternal dance of souls profoundly influences my writing. When the idea of a new time-travel tale centered around past lives started taking shape, I knew it had to explore these mystical connections.

I imagined Summer and Rogan’s story as something far beyond a fleeting romance; I wanted it to capture a love that defies the boundaries of time. That’s how the title Soul Love came to be. It’s not just about a romance that makes your heart flutter; it’s about a bond so deep and enduring that it echoes through the ages, bringing two souls together in every lifetime they encounter.

On a personal level, Soul Love resonates deeply with me. It mirrors the connection I share with my husband—a love that feels timeless, as though our souls have been intertwined for centuries. Writing this story became my tribute to that kind of love that feels destined, written in the stars, and cherished with every heartbeat.

Soul Love is a celebration of repeatedly finding your soulmate, proving that some loves are not just for one lifetime but for all time.

Can you tell us a little about your main characters?

D.F.: Meet Summer Jewel, my protagonist, a woman who shares my love for quaint hometowns. She owns a charming bookstore right in the town square. She also watches the enchanting transformation of an old Victorian house across the street from her home. The makeover is the work of a talented interior designer who leaves an open invitation for Summer to explore. And explore she does, especially when a certain attic door seems to whisper her name, urging her to uncover its secrets.

Her curiosity doesn’t go unnoticed. Rogan Randolph, the new next-door neighbor, catches her snooping and, intrigued, invites her over for dinner in his now beautifully restored home. A tornado literally throws them together, igniting a romance as unexpected as finding a first-edition novel at a yard sale. But that attic? It’s like a siren’s call. Summer isn’t just peeking into history; she’s living it, waking up in 1926 and inhabiting another woman’s life.

Through her journey, Summer discovers the threads of reincarnation, realizing that love isn’t just a fleeting moment but the enduring force that weaves through the tapestry of our many lives. Her adventure is about unraveling past lives’ mysteries and exploring love’s timeless dance.

Rogan Randolph defies the stereotype of the solitary time traveler. As part of The Order of the Invisible Effect, he dances through the ages with the grace of a seasoned historian and the precision of a master clockmaker. Wealthy, resourceful, and undeniably strong, Rogan adapts to any epoch with enviable ease. His charisma and sharp humor make him a beloved figure across timelines.

Yet, there’s more to Rogan than his affable exterior. He harbors a steely resolve and can switch from charming to deadly when facing off against The Chronos Vanguard, adversaries who wish to dictate the flow of time itself, contrasting sharply with Rogan’s fight for temporal freedom. He’s a warrior at heart, never shying away from conflict when justice is on the line.

Love, however, has touched Rogan only once, leaving a mark deeper than any time could erase. He believed that chapter closed until fate, with its penchant for drama, decided otherwise. The cosmos has its own plans, weaving paths back to lost loves, proving that some connections are too strong for even time to sever. Rogan’s saga is woven with threads of bravery, endurance, and an unwavering belief in love’s timeless power. His quest isn’t merely to witness or alter history but to reconnect with the one soul that resonates with his, no matter how vast the temporal divide is.

Watch out for Rogan Randolph., In the fluid tapestry of time where nothing is quite as it seems, he stands as a testament to the idea that some battles, especially those for love and liberty, are eternal.

If you were going to hang out with one of your characters, who would that be?


D.F.: If I could step into the world of Soul Love for a day, I’d choose to hang out with Summer Jewel. Imagine spending a day in her charming bookstore, Jewel’s Literary Gems, where every book seems to whisper tales of adventure and romance. We could sip on some tea, surrounded by the scent of old pages and new stories, discussing our favorite literary escapes.


Or perhaps we’d venture out to the serene trails behind Rogan’s grand mansion. There’s something magical about those paths, where the hustle of modern life fades into the whispers of the leaves and the quiet stories of the earth. It’s the perfect setting for Summer to share insights into her life and her unique connection with time, and maybe, just maybe, she’d let slip some secrets about her time-traveling escapades that I couldn’t squeeze into the book.


I envision our conversation meandering from the mysteries of reincarnation to the simple joys of life in Heartsville. With her profound understanding of the universe’s workings, Summer would no doubt offer perspectives that make you rethink your place in the cosmos. And who knows? Maybe she’d show me a hidden nook in the bookstore where time feels slightly different or share a moment where past and present blur, just for us. Spending a day with Summer wouldn’t just be about exploring her world; it would be an invitation to explore deeper into my own beliefs about love, destiny, and the endless dance of time.


Where is this book set and why did you choose that setting?


D.F.: Soul Love unfolds its narrative across two distinct periods: the contemporary world and the vibrant year of 1926, both set within the quaint embrace of a Southern U.S. town. My roots are deeply Southern, and there’s an allure to these small towns that’s hard to resist. They’re not just places but characters in their own right, brimming with community spirit, layers of history, and that hint of enigma that makes for a perfect backdrop for any tale, especially one about love through the ages.


Having grown up in such an environment, I’ve seen the evolution of small-town life, where, despite the changes, some elements remain untouched by time. Though it has grown, my town still clings to that quaint charm. This blend of the known with the endless potential for discovery drew me to this setting.


The choice of 1926 was deeply personal. It was the early 20th century my grandparents’ love story began, a tale that has always fascinated me. My grandfather’s eyes would sparkle with life whenever he spoke of my grandmother, a woman I never had the chance to meet but feel connected to through their love. Finding a love letter from her to him was like unearthing a relic of pure emotion, a testament to their timeless bond. This letter, this piece of history, inspired me to weave their era into my story.


By setting part of Soul Love in 1926, I aimed to capture the romance of that time, where every written word in a letter was a piece of one’s soul, and every meeting under the Southern sky was charged with significance. This setting allowed me to pay homage to my grandparents’ enduring love and explore how love stories like theirs are not confined by the years but are echoed through time. Through Summer and Rogan, I delve into what it means to find a love that feels like coming home in a place that feels timeless yet steeped in history, much like the love that has always inspired me.

One of the descriptions of your book is that it’s about second chances. Can you elaborate?

D.F.: Talking about second chances is a bit of a spoiler alert for Soul Love, but I’ll try to give you a peek without giving too much away. At the story’s heart is the idea that time, fate, and love are far more intertwined than we might think. For Rogan Randolph, a time traveler able to move through different eras, this connection is both a gift and a curse.

Rogan has experienced loss so profound that it left him feeling empty, his heart heavy with the memories of a love he believed was lost forever. The pain of that loss shaped him, making him cautious, guarded, and reluctant to open his heart again. But as we all know, life—and love—can surprise us when we least expect it.

Time and destiny have a magical way of weaving their threads, and for Rogan, this means a second chance at the love he thought was gone. Soul Love is about how the universe often works in mysterious ways to bring people back together, giving them another chance to make things right, to love again, and to find happiness.

In the story, this theme of second chances is not just about rekindling an old romance; it’s about healing, forgiveness, and the courage to embrace love despite the risks. It’s a reminder that sometimes, what we think is lost forever might just be waiting for the perfect moment to return.

So yes, Soul Love is very much about second chances. It’s about how love, no matter how many lifetimes pass, always finds its way back to those who are truly meant to be together.

What’s next on your writing to do list?


D.F.:  The quill never rests, and I’m excited to give you a sneak peek at what’s simmering on my writing stove! Topping the list is Soul Love Book 2. Yes, you heard that right! Summer and Rogan’s saga is far from over. I’m currently weaving through the fabric of time, unraveling more secrets, deepening their bond, and facing new challenges that test the very essence of their timeless love. There are layers yet to peel back, and I’m just as eager as you are to see where their journey leads.


But that’s not all. I’m also donning the producer’s hat, converting my treasure trove of past novels into audiobooks. It’s like watching my characters step off the page and start speaking. This venture has been incredibly rewarding, offering a new way for readers—or now, listeners—to dive into the worlds I’ve created. Whether on a road trip or just relaxing at home, these audio adventures are ready to whisk you away.


And then, there’s the glimmer of scales and the whisper of wings—a new project where dragons soar into my narrative universe. Imagine a tale where the damsel isn’t in distress but is instead the dragon’s salvation. This story is still in its embryonic stage, but its growing wings promise a blend of enchantment, peril, and romance that challenges the very notion of fate. Dragons have always captured my imagination, and I’m thrilled to craft a legend of my own.


So, there you have it—a glimpse into the future from my writing desk. With each project, I aim to explore new horizons and delve into the heart of what makes us human and, perhaps, what makes us more than that. Keep your eyes peeled for more updates, and thanks for having me.

About the Author


USA Today Best-Selling Author, #1 International Bestseller, #1 Amazon Bestseller, D. F. Jones began her career as a broadcast consultant at the ABC Affiliate in Nashville, which led her to open an advertising agency. She downsized her agency to care for her parents. Writing is a source of creative expression for D.F. Jones, but it also releases stress. Writing takes her to a place where anything is possible, and fiction takes her to a place made of dreams.

Whether it’s angels and demons, time travel adventures, witches, wizards, or ghosts, her books are action-packed with supernatural and romantic elements.

She’s happily married to the love of her life and best friend. They have two beautiful sons whom she loves and adores more than life itself. She loves to laugh, and her husband keeps her in stitches! She’s a fan of the Tennessee Titans and enjoys working in her flower gardens.











Monday, September 30, 2024

Book Blitz of The White Wolf's Wrath by Shea Hulse (#contest- Win an Amazon Gift Card)

The White Wolf’s Wrath
Shea Hulse
(Dragon Fire and Druids, #1)
Published by: Hot Tree Publishing
Publication date: September 26th 2024
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

Step into a world where betrayal cuts deeper than a knife, and vengeance burns hotter than wildfire.

My life took a sharp turn when the White Wolf unleashed his fury upon my family’s once-glorious estate, shattering everything I held dear.

But from the rubble, I emerged with a fierce determination. Disguised as a humble servant in the Wolf’s inner circle, I tread carefully, balancing on the edge of survival and discovery.

In my quest for payback, I unearth truths that rock my world. The man I swore to hate reveals surprising depths, stirring emotions I never thought possible. Caught between seeking revenge and a budding attraction, I’m trapped in a whirlwind of conflicting feelings.

With the help of the mysterious Amergin, I navigate the dangerous territory of enemies and secrets. War looms on the horizon, and betrayal lurks in every shadow. I must summon all my courage to follow my heart’s uncertain path in this turbulent journey of love and revenge.

The White Wolf’s Wrath is the first book in the intense Dragon Fire and Druids romantasy series.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo

Author Bio:

Shea is a bestselling author on Amazon, with her books falling under the genre of inspirational, steamy, and fantasy romance. Her award-winning works are filled with elements of magic, mystery, and sarcasm. During her free time, Shea loves to travel with her family.


 Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Bookbub

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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Book Blitz of the Book Second Chance With A Cowboy by Jennie Marts (#Contest- Win An Amazon Gift Card.)

Second Chance With a Cowboy
Jennie Marts

(The Lassiter Ranch Series, #3)
Publication date: September 24th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Second Chance With a Cowboy: A Wounded Cowboy/Curvy Heroine, Second Chance, Small Town Western Romance
Three abandoned cowboys, born in heartbreak and bonded by brotherhood, are brought together by the fierce love of the grandparents who took them in and the ranch that’s the only home they’ve ever known…
He gave her up once, but will he risk everything for a second chance?
Ford, Dodge, and Chevy Lassiter are three half-brothers whose mother named them after the trucks that their dead-beat dads drove away from them in. Chevy is the middle brother, the easy-going flirt who uses his charm to keep anyone from getting too close. He’d only let himself fall in love once…but then he’d pushed her away so she could chase her dreams of becoming an aerospace engineer—leaving him and their small-town life behind.
Eleanor (Leni) Gibbs left the small Colorado mountain town of Woodland Hills behind ten years ago. Now she’s back, temporarily trading rocket science for diapers to help her sister with a new baby, but isn’t sure she can handle facing the cowboy who broke her heart. But the undeniable chemistry between them still simmers beneath the surface, and every encounter has her wondering if they’re meant for something more.
Both have been burned by the past, and neither knows if they can trust the other—or themselves—with their fragile hearts. As old wounds reopen and new sparks fly, can Chevy and Leni find the courage to take a second chance on love—or will he let her fly away again, this time for good?
**Each book in the Lassiter Ranch series can be read as a standalone—a boots-knockin ’hot cowboy HEA guaranteed in every one!**
The Lassiter Ranch Series
Save the Date For a Cowboy: Prequel Novella
Love at First Cowboy: Book 1
Overdue for a Cowboy: Book 2
Second Chance with a Cowboy: Book 3
Readers will love this small town, western romance series filled with wounded cowboys, curvy wallflower heroines, second chances, friends to lovers, fake relationships, unrequited love, forced proximity, and grumpy versus sunshine.

Goodreads / Amazon


The water did look amazing, and he’d been dying for a swim all afternoon.

He shucked off his boots and jeans then let out a whoop as he raced past her, wearing only his black boxer briefs, and splashed into the water.

He ducked his head under then came up, shaking the water out of his hair. The temperature was perfect, warm but not hot, and cooler the deeper it went. He lifted his hand and beckoned her toward him. “Come on in. The water’s fine.”

“No way. I don’t have a swimsuit.”

He offered her one of his best flirty grins. “Never stopped you before.”

She shifted from one foot to the other, chewing on her bottom lip.

“I know you’re mentally weighing the pros and cons,” he told her. It was what she’d always done.

She planted a hand on her hip. “You don’t know me that well.”

“Yeah, right. Go ahead. Lay them on me.”

She let out a little indignant huff before starting the list. “The biggest pro is that the water looks incredible, and I’m hot and could practically die from wanting to go for a swim.”

“Avoiding dying seems like a pretty big pro. What kind of con could possibly challenge that?”

“Wellll, the biggest one is that getting in the water means I’d have to take my clothes off.”

“Nope. That definitely goes in the pro column for me.” He waggled his eyebrows playfully at her. “Oh, come on. You’ve got nothing I haven’t seen before.”

“Oh yes, I have. I have much more now than you’ve seen before. I’m no longer a seventeen-year-old girl with flawless skin and no dimples or cellulite. My body has changed. I am much…” She paused as if struggling to come up with the best descriptive word. “Much curvier now.”

“I happen to like your new curves. In fact, the curvier the better I like to say.”

“Oh yeah? When do you like to say that?”

“Just now. And also, any time there’s a possibility of a gorgeous, curvy woman, stripping naked in front of me.” He offered her another one of his trademark grins—the one that most women couldn’t resist.

But most women weren’t Eleanor Gibbs.

She was different.

“Tell you what,” he said. “How about if I turn my back, and I won’t look while you strip down and wade in.”

She twisted her mouth from side-to-side with indecision. “You promise you won’t look?”

He held up two fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

She arched an eyebrow. “Now I know you’re lyin’. You were never a Boy Scout.”

He laughed. “Okay. I promise I won’t look…after your shirt and shorts come off.”

She huffed again.

“Come on, darlin’,” he drawled. “You gotta give me a little something here.”

“No, I don’t.” She tried to keep the annoyed expression on her face but couldn’t hold it as she broke into a laugh.

He splashed a small spray of water in her direction then held up three fingers. “All right, you had your chance to do this the easy way. Now, Miss Eleanor Gibbs, you’ve got exactly three seconds to peel those clothes off, or I’m coming out of this lake to do it for you.”

Leni narrowed her eyes at him. “You wouldn’t dare.”

Oh, he would dare. In fact, he couldn’t wait to dare. Chevy took a step toward her as he called out, “Three!”

She let out a shriek as she retreated up the shore, splashing water as she walked backward.

His grin widened as he took another menacing step toward her. “Two!”

“Okay, you win. Stop counting.” She laughed as she shimmied out of her shorts and tossed them further back onto the bank, then pulled her shirt over her head and pitched it toward the shorts, leaving her in only a black lacy bra and a pair of black bikini panties. She made a circular motion with her hand. “Now, turn around.”

He stared, the sight of her half-naked body making his mouth go dry.

The last time he’d seen her like this, she was seventeen, and he was a horn-dog teenage boy. Now, she was a full-fledged woman, round and lush, and as his gaze roamed over those curves she’d described, he felt like that love-sick out-of-control teenager again.

“Why are you staring at me?” she asked, self-consciously putting her hands up to cover herself.

“I can’t help it,” he said, all teasing aside. “You’re just so gorgeous.”

A grin tugged at the corners of her lips. “Stop it.”

“It’s true.”

“You’re just trying to get me to take my bra off in front of you.”

He shook his head, trying to keep the sincerity in his voice. “No, it’s true. You’re beautiful.” He couldn’t help the grin that creased his face. “Although, if you do want to take your bra off in front of me…”

Author Bio:

Jennie Marts is the USA TODAY Best-selling author of award-winning books filled with love, laughter, and always a happily ever after. Readers call her books “laugh out loud” funny and the “perfect mix of romance, humor, and steam.” Fic Central claimed one of her books was “the most fun I’ve had reading in years.”

She is living her own happily ever after in the mountains of Colorado with her husband, two dogs, and a parakeet that loves to tweet to the oldies. She’s addicted to Diet Coke, adores Cheetos, and believes you can’t have too many books, shoes, or friends.

Her books include the contemporary western romance Hearts of Montana series, the romantic comedy/ cozy mysteries of The Page Turners series, the hunky hockey-playing men in the Bannister family in the Bannister Brothers Books, and the small-town romantic comedies in the Lovestruck series of Cotton Creek Romances.

Jennie loves to hear from readers. Follow her on Facebook at Jennie Marts Books, or Twitter at @JennieMarts. Visit her at and sign up for her newsletter to keep up with the latest news and releases.

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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Book Blitz of Somewhere Along The Way by Anna Gomez (#Contest- Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card)

Somewhere Along the Way
Anna Gomez

Publication date: September 24th 2024

Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


Charlotte “Charlie” Hastings never missed her mother. But when Charlie’s late father visits her in a dream and reveals the letters her mother had written to him over the years, she begins yearning for a connection she never desired to make. Reeling from a mix of emotions, Charlie embarks on a soul-searching cross-country journey to California to find the mother she thought she never needed.

Along the way, she stumbles upon Graham Mead, a mysterious stranger with a secret identity, who becomes her unexpected travel companion. Each pit stop reveals new truths from her mother’s letters, unveiling a poignant love story and the reasons behind her departure. From state to state, Charlie and Graham unravel their pasts, confront their fears, and discover a love that goes beyond their personal journeys.

But as they reach their destination, they must face the harsh reality of their separate lives: Charlie needs to find her mother, and Graham needs to rebuild his life. Pulled in different directions, can they find each other in the right place and at the right time, twice?


SOMEWHERE ALONG THE WAY is a must-read for anyone who believes in the magic of unexpected encounters and the healing power of love.

Goodreads / Amazon / Kobo

Author Bio:

Anna Gomez is a hopeless romantic who writes about real life, flawed characters and the saving grace of unconditional love. Her experience of living and growing up in a foreign country plays a large part in her stories. Her full-time career and ability to travel extensively also add flair and individuality to the vividly written settings in her books. They transport the reader to faraway places and make them feel like they’ve been there before. Anna’s inspiration stems from the people she meets and the places that she’s seen. Her stories are realistic and honest, thought-provoking and impactful. Her love for poetry is evident in her writing style. Prior to writing this book, Anna wrote under the pen name Christine Brae, with six books which have won literary awards and ranked as bestsellers upon release.

Anna is Partner and Chief Financial Officer of one of the world's largers global advertising agencies. She lives in Indiana with her husband and sheepadoodle, Izzy.

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Friday, September 27, 2024

Cover Reveal of the book Winds of Change: A Steamy Paranormal Romance Collection (#Paranormal, #Romance)

Winds of Change: A Steamy Paranormal Romance Collection
Publication date: October 31st 2024
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

An accident and a magical breeze will forever alter their destinies…

Weird stuff happens in San Destino. Some accept it without question. Others know and protect its secrets.

Cross the bridge over Starfall Bay to a town where the paranormally gifted live in peaceful anonymity. When ten couples are drawn together during the mystical time of Beltane, their hearts and minds will be challenged and changed.

Whose magical world is threatened? Whose ordinary world will be transformed by magic? Find out in this limited-edition collection of steamy paranormal romances by established and emerging authors.



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Review of the book OH NO He DIDN'T- Brilliant Women and the Men Who Took Credit For Their Work BY Wendy Murphy JD. (# Contest- Win a Signed Copy of the Book #iReadBookTours)

Books R US would like to welcome Wendy Murphy to our blog. Wendy is touring the blogosphere with I Read Book Tours with her new book OH NO He DIDN'T. Let me tell you a little bit about the book and my thoughts about this great non-fiction book.


Book Details:

Book Title:  Oh No He Didn't! Brilliant Women and the Men Who Took Credit for Their Work by Wendy J. Murphy, JD
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction (18+),  240 pages
GenreBiography/Women's Studies; would also appeal perhaps to high school age
Publisher:  Cynren Press
Release date:  September 202
Content Rating:  PG + MPG (One woman reports Rape)


Book Description:

Don’t you hate it when someone takes credit for another person’s idea? It happens a lot, and the people who lose out are often women. This book tells the stories of women whose inventions, discoveries, and creations were credited to men—women like Zelda Fitzgerald, the novelist, painter, and playwright who was more than F. Scott’s wife, and Margaret Knight, who invented the flat-bottomed paper bag but saw the patent go to a man who stole off to the Patent Office with her idea. By telling the stories of the brilliant women artists, inventors, scientists, architects, and mathematicians who were denied their due, Oh No He Didn’t! will help all women tackle obstacles and create a kinship of understanding that will inspire and transcend generations.

My Thoughts:

Throughout history, women's endeavors have often been overlooked, a fact that this book powerfully brings to light. The author's skillful narration unveils the fantastic inventions, discoveries, and creations of women, many of whom lived in the 1800s with limited rights, often considered servants to their husbands. It was all too common for their husbands or coworkers to take credit for the lady's outstanding work, a stark injustice that the book courageously confronts. 

The book's use of visual aids such as photos, illustrations, and newspaper articles not only adds credibility to the information but also evokes a strong emotional response.

 As I delved into the stories, I found myself deeply moved and, at times, even outraged by the professional treatment of these women. Their overshadowed contributions and undervalued work stirred a profound sense of empathy within me, making their stories all the more compelling and leaving readers feeling deeply connected to the narratives. 

Reading this book was truly an eye-opening experience. I was surprised to learn that many of the items we use daily were invented by women. This newfound awareness has significantly enriched my understanding of history and the role of women in shaping our world, making the book an invaluable educational resource that leaves readers feeling more knowledgeable and enlightened.  
The author's extensive research and the additional information provided at the end of each chapter are a testament to the book's credibility, allowing readers to delve deeper into the subject matter.


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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Book Blitz of The Discovery of Magic by L.J. Evias (#contest- Win An Amazon Gift Card.)

The Discovery of Magic
L.J. Evias

Publication date: September 26th 2024
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

Transported to an ancient realm of magic and mystery, can a young woman survive scheming royals, shifting alliances, and impending war?

Alice Harper yearns to determine her own fate. Desperate to change her parents ’minds about moving away from everything she knows, the gifted archer, magic sets out to win a coveted scholarship. But the seventeen-year-old feels completely out of control when she and her friends stumble through a strange portal to a mysterious world.

Separated from the others, the bold and reckless teen finds herself whisked away to an impossible palace where charming mages offer help. But as she becomes entwined in the politics of the court, Alice grows suspicious of her new allies, and she struggles to distinguish friend from foe…

As she’s pulled deeper into treacherous plots, can the daring young adult rescue her peers and get everyone home?

The Discovery of Magic is the captivating first book in The Intrigue of Magic YA epic fantasy series. If you like relatable characters, powerful enchantments, and fast-paced action, then you’ll love L. J. Evias’s battle for courage.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble


Jaime dodged sideways, almost too late, as a sword slashed at him from his right. It wasn’t like him to be this distracted in a fight, but with his escalating schoolwork, his brothers ’nagging and now Jordan’s revelation, it was a wonder he could pay attention at all.

Fortunately, the large boy who had swiped at him stumbled before regaining his footing, allowing Jaime an easy victory. Others wouldn’t be that cumbersome, yet Jaime’s thoughts returned to Jordan and Alice.

A small hope remained that the girls wouldn’t turn up, but that was currently being devoured by a monster that had recently taken up residence inside him, writhing in his stomach and filling him with anxiety.

Perhaps he could distract Alice or Jordan and delay the situation until he’d figured out what to do. Or maybe he could introduce Jordan to someone else. Then Jaime would have plenty of time to figure out whether he really did have feelings for Alice.

Up the hill, blonde hair blowing in the breeze caught his attention. Alice and Emily, with Eliot running ahead. This was no time to be putting all his hope into wishful thinking. He’d just have to tell Jordan he didn’t like the idea.

His mind made up, he threw himself back into the melee, finding a new opponent, more skilled and more eager than the last. He lunged, then dodged, spun around his opponent, then lunged again, his sword slashing. Back again, dodging out of reach, then thrusting forwards until the other boy’s tiredness began to show. Enthused, Jaime delivered the final blow, the clang of his sword ringing out above the din of the other combatants.

As his adversary yielded, two more rushed Jaime, one from each side, making him regret taking his time with his previous opponent. He couldn’t afford to tire himself out yet, not while several people still fought.

Sucking in a quick breath, he swiftly sidestepped, swung his sword around above his head, and cut across the first rival before they could do anything to stop him.

At the same time, the other lunged, but he was not quick enough for Jaime. Darting behind the felled boy, Jaime brought his blade round to strike, and with a few well-timed blows, had the second boy on his knees, capitulating.

With the rush of victory surging through him, he glanced around for his next opponent.

Only Jordan remained, surveying him with a smirk. The expression unsettled Jaime. Although Jordan was more committed to LARPing, Jaime’s fencing skill gave him a strong advantage, and Jordan knew it. Whatever Jordan had planned, he would not be easy to beat.

Approaching slowly and purposefully, Jordan let his gaze drift towards Alice. Both girls were watching intently. Even Eliot was quiet and still beside them.

Suddenly, Jordan’s smile vanished, and he locked his eyes on Jaime, his intent to impress Alice written all over him.

Adrenaline coursed through Jaime, reawakening his tired muscles. The previous fighting had been just for fun, but this was his chance. He could stop Jordan. Beat him for his own good. He’d never ask out Alice then.

Author Bio:

L. J. Evias writes exclusively in the fantasy genre, infusing stories with a dash of adventure and mystery. In Evias’s worlds, moral absolutes do not exist, giving life to a diverse cast of intriguing characters.

The Intrigue of Magic is Evias’s debut series, featuring accessible world-building, intricate plots, and unforgettable heroes and villains. Released in 2024, The Discovery of Magic is the first book in this series.

When not immersed in the pages of a novel, Evias enjoys real-world adventures both in the UK and abroad. The enchanting settings of The Intrigue of Magic series draw inspiration from personal travels, notably the unique architecture and evocative landscapes of Morocco.

Bonus material and a sample short story are available from the author's website.

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Book Blitz of The Book A Montana Feud by Jim Overstreet (#contest, #western- Win a $25 AMazon Gift Card)

A Montana Feud
Jim Overstreet

(Rodeo in the Blood, #3)
Publication date: August 1st 2024
Genres: Adult, Western

A Montana Feud brings back all the rugged and passionate characters of the Rodeo in the Blood series for another drama-filled adventure. Fans of thrilling rodeo rides and the complexities of human relationships will find this story absorbing.

During the pandemic shortened 2020 rodeo season, former rivals, Rusty Blackstone and Warren Weston, join forces to pursue their rodeo dreams. At a rodeo in Chinook, Montana, Rusty accidentally reignites a dormant feud between his father and rodeo producer Jake Augustine. Rusty is lucky to survive the ensuing turmoil.

Meanwhile, Warren battles his ex-wife, Jenny, for a portion of his rightful inheritance. Throughout, Rusty, Warren, and Jenny struggle with the new arrangement to share their son, Todd. Warren battles to care for his invalid mother. Unexpected violence mars Rusty and Amanda’s horseback wedding.

Harlan, the only man they all trust, does his best to help them through everything.

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August 8, 2020

Buffalo Bill Rodeo

North Platte, Nebraska

As they pulled into the Nebraskaland Wild West Arena on the north side of North Platte, Rusty and Casey were listening to the audio version of Craig Johnson’s book The Dark Horse. Casey, who was driving, parked the truck. In a suspenseful part of the story, neither one of them wanted to get out. Casey killed the engine, but they sat there slightly embarrassed until, after a few minutes, all the electronics in the pickup shut off automatically.

“Dammit, Rusty,” Casey said. “Now you’ve got me addicted to these stories of yours. I guess I could start up again.”

“Don’t you dare,” Rusty said. “We’ve only got an hour to get bulldogging on our minds.” He opened the door and got out. Casey followed. A hot wind swirled and ebbed and swirled again. They unloaded the horses. There was a dark cloud to the south.

“I don’t like the way this wind is gusting,” Casey said. “I hope it doesn’t mean that thunderhead is coming this way.”

“It looks like it’s well south,” Rusty said. “The river is between us and it. There’s probably an air current over the Platte that will push it away from us.”

“I hope so,” Casey said.

More concerned about his horses than the weather, Rusty tied Apache to the trailer and watched as Casey walked Peanut around in a circle. The horse seemed to be walking without pain, at least not much. Rusty wasn’t sure but thought his strides were an inch or two short compared to his normal gate. “How does that wound look?”

“It doesn’t look too bad. The stitches are holding,” Casey answered. “It’s draining a little, but his chest is swelled up a bit.”

Rusty shook his head. “The vet said we could ride him as soon as we figured he was ready. I think we need to give him at least a few days off. I don’t want to ask him to run when he’s sore.”

Casey said, “He’s been stuck in the trailer all day. Why don’t I lead him around for a while, loosen him up? Maybe find him some water.”

“Okay,” Rusty said. “I’ll saddle Apache and go to the rodeo office. I’ll find someone to haze for us. When I get back, I’ll pony Peanut in the arena while I warm up Apache.”

Rusty encountered Wesley Martin, a former world champion steer wrestler who hauled a team of ‘dogging horses, outside the office. He was more than happy to haze for them.

When Rusty rode into the arena, the announcer said, “Our next cowboy is Rusty Blackstone, the current World Champion. He calls that horse he is riding Apache. Apache might be a little bit on the homely side, you can see that for yourself, but he is one of the top two or three steer wrestling horses in Prorodeo. The last time I saw Rusty was at the rodeo in Minot, North Dakota over the Fourth of July. He was traveling with Casey Jones and Warren Weston. They have all competed at the National Finals. I teased them about coming in like a pack of wolves. I was right. They took nearly all the money.”

Rusty had drawn the good steer he had at the Phillipsburg, Kansas rodeo where he’d thrown him in 4.1. Considering the mud at that rodeo, he thought he could be faster on dry ground. Since the steer wasn’t terribly fast, he took a conservative start and threw the animal in 3.7.

The announcer introduced Casey Jones as a National Finals Rodeo qualifier. “He travels with Rusty Blackstone who made a spectacular run here minutes ago. He’s riding Rusty’s good horse, Apache. As I mentioned a few minutes ago, he also got a big chunk of the money in Minot last month and is sitting about tenth in the standings right now.”

Casey threw his steer in 3.9.

“See, what did I tell you?” the announcer crowed after the run. “Only two thirds of the Wolf Pack and they still got a big chunk of the money.

Rusty ended up in second place for the rodeo and Casey third.

After the rodeo, Casey sat in the trailer looking at the road atlas. He said, “It would have been a lot quicker trip if we could have come here directly from Phillipsburg.”

Rusty laughed and answered, “If those rodeo committees had asked me, I’d have gotten them to set up the rodeos so that we could have gone from Sidney to Sikeston to Lawton to Dodge City and then to Phillipsburg and North Platte. I don’t know why they didn’t ask me. Would have saved us a lot of miles. Maybe we could get Ruby to organize them next year.”

Author Bio:

Jim Overstreet is a lifelong cowboy and author of A Montana Rivalry. Raising horses for most of his life, he earned multiple titles in tie down roping, from youth rodeo to the senior circuit. As an accomplished writer, his work has been published in national magazines including Reader’s Digest, Persimmon Hill and numerous equine magazines, including Western Horseman. The American Horse Publications honored him as a winner in their Feature Article category.

Jim rode horses before he could walk. He grew up on the Sun Ranch, a large cattle and horse ranch in the Madison Valley in southwest Montana with a father who was an avid horseman and well-respected cowboy in the area. He grew up believing that cowboys were special. His father helped him begin training horses and later he learned from Ray Hunt and Tom Dorrance.

Jim’s adult life was filled with roping and rodeos along with raising two daughters with his wife amongst his many horses in the shadow of Montana’s Crazy Mountains.

Jim loves to write, except when he hates it, and although he is old enough to know better, Jim still rides and trains horses. He is passionate about telling stories of the contemporary West that demonstrate the physical toughness, mental determination, and dependence on community inherent to ranching and rodeo. His first book, A Montana Rivalry, released by Palmetto Publishing in fall of 2023, is the first book in the Rodeo in The Blood Series.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Book Blitz of the Splintered Realms by L.A. Myles (#Contest- Enter to win an $25 #Amazon Gift Card)

Splintered Realms
L.A. Myles
(Doorways, #1)
Publication date: July 20th 2024
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult

College is everything art student Taylen dreamed it would be. But her first trip home doesn’t end with her mom’s homemade brownies. Instead, she’s hurled into a strange medieval land where a woman without family has no say. Desperate to get back to her world, she’ll have to find others she can trust if she hopes to find a way home.

But trust isn’t easy to find. Surrounded by accusations of espionage, kidnapping, murder, and refusing to become chattel, Taylen discovers she has the unique ability to see the doorways between realms. Leaving the Realm of Men behind, she enters the land of the fae-like Ays Shee. They can get her home, but first she must help them solve the mystery of what’s dissolving the barrier between realms before it rips the world apart, and Taylen with it.

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A curve in the road revealed hills covered with vineyards. The vines were mid-transformation, changing from their summer green to fall’s stunning array of deep golds and burnt reds.

“Now I’m in the vineyards.” Taylen sighed.

The road opened out, the trees moving away from the asphalt and stench of exhaust to perch atop hills or slip down their sides. They hovered in sparse clusters among the vineyards, distant reflections of the road-scape she’d just left.

“If you keep your pace,” Mom said, her voice warm with delight, “you’ll arrive the same time the brownies are coming out of the oven.”

“You made brownies?”

“Of course.” Mom laughed. “It’s been two months. You must be going through brownie withdrawal by now.”

“How’d you guess?” Taylen grinned.

The sun sank toward the hills on her left, coloring the few clouds in the sky with luminescent oranges and reds. Sunsets, like sunrises, were the best parts of the day. They were magical, a time in flux in which one thing merged into the next.

She glanced down to switch on her headlights. The glint of sunlight off the chrome trim running along the edge of her windshield caught her eye.

“Well—” The line in her ears went dead.

“Mom?” Her gaze flicked back up. The lights clicked on first in the dash, then on the tree ahead of her.


She swerved right. More trees blocked her path. She flung the steering wheel left to avoid another, veering between tree after tree while careening through a brightly lit forest. Bushes broke and cracked under and against her car, creating a cacophony of breaking wood and screeching metal. The car bounced and jarred her to either side, the seatbelt catching her with bruising force.

Another tree appeared in her path, this one fallen over. She cursed and stomped on the brakes. The car spun left. A jarring thump and a loud bang signaled a back tire blowing out. A branch slammed into her windshield, cracking it.

She screamed as another branch shattered her passenger window when the car lurched sideways. A clearing in the trees beckoned ahead of her, then it was behind her, and a sickening weightlessness lifted her off the seat.

She had a moment to take in the view. A forest stretched out in all directions from around a large pear-shaped lake, its surface a dark reflective gray sheet. Gravity reclaimed her and her car, and she plunged toward the water below. Her shriek ripped through the air.

Author Bio:

L.A. is a fantasy fiction author. She scribes epic fantasies filled with adventure, mythical creatures, struggle, and the magic that can come from strong friendships, especially between females. Characters going through proverbial hell as they come into their personal power resonate the most with her and are what she writes.

For her, stories always arrive first as a single clear snapshot. Usually, the image is of a pivotal moment. After that, it’s like a portal has opened and L.A. is the conduit the story flows through, as opposed to the conductor of the tale. It often makes writing as exciting as reading.

After decades of migrating from one US coast to another and then abroad, L.A. has settled in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. with a couple of high-powered kids, a husband, two cats, chickens, and a flock of wild turkeys that have decided to make the family’s property theirs.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Review of An American Story: Everyone's Invited by Wilmer Valderrama (#Memoir)

I want to welcome Wilmer Valderrama to Books R US. Wilmer has recently published a memoir called An American Story: Everyone's invited. Thanks to the publisher, Harper Select, I received a copy to review.



Author: W. Valderrama

Publisher: Harper Select

Publication Date: Sept 17 2024

Genre: Biography, Memoir


The remarkable true story of a young immigrant from Venezuela who had a dream to change the world, a talent for entertaining, and a determined spirit to build a new life, taking as many as possible with him on the journey.

An American Story is the stirring memoir by actor, producer, and activist Wilmer Valderrama, delving into his upbringing in Venezuela where he was raised by two hard working parents as they navigated their family through a rapidly changing country and the rise of Hugo Chavez. With the economy crashing around them and their livelihood disappearing, the family decides to flee the country. Suddenly, the young boy who had loved riding his horse and dreaming of being Zorro from his favorite black and white tv show had to grow up quickly, journeying as a teenager from a tiny little pueblo in Venezuela to the big city of Los Angeles.


My Thoughts:

Wilmer's story was inspiring, authentic, compelling, and captivating. The book drew me in from the first page. It was easy to read, and Wilmer wrote from his heart. Despite being born in the USA, he faced numerous hardships that he had to overcome. English is a difficult language, and he had to adapt to a new culture and way of life because he lived in Venezuela until age 13. I never knew how difficult it was for an actor to gain popularity in the industry, but after reading the book, I now know how challenging it may be. Wilmer auditioned for numerous commercials and parts, but one major problem was, "This kid has an accent." Well, that accent helped him get the part as Fez. As I was reading, whenever that statement came up, I had to laugh because that did not hold him back, and he succeeded. I loved the book, and the section with the pictures tied the book together. Great Job, Wilmer! 


Thanks for stopping by:


Disclaimer: I was given a copy of the book by the publisher for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review