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Showing posts with label plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plants. Show all posts

Monday, May 7, 2012

When To Plant Tender Annuals In Your Garden

I love to work in the garden and plant annuals and many varieties of vegetables but is it the right time to plant them. I found this great article that can help us determine the best time to plant them.
When To Plant Tender Annuals In Your Garden - Organic Gardening Articles

When To Plant Tender Annuals In Your Garden

As soon as the garden centers fill to bursting with tiny pots, large hanging baskets and endless flats of annuals the winter-weary gardening enthusiast can barely keep from grabbing all within sight whether or not it is the correct time to plant these out in the garden. Flowers bring the hope of spring and with that the end of cabin fever. Who doesn’t crave that after a long, cold winter?

Alas, many a time do these folks regret rushing out as soon as they feel a warm spell to gather their favorite annuals for planting outside. When they plant these tender annuals too soon in their gardens there is a very good chance the frost will come back without warning to bite them in the bud. Mother Nature, after all, is fickle and we all know she likes to flirt with that rascal Jack Frost which in turn brings havoc to our gardens. Woe be the impatient gardener!

Don’t deny it. You know you’ve done it. Even the most experienced among us have. We want the earliest tomatoes in the neighborhood. We wish to get a jump on a way-too-short growing season. We want to think spring and the warm weather will stay if we cross our fingers and beg pretty-please. But wanting and wishing isn’t going to help you here. What you must do is learn the Last Frost Date for your area if you want to know when to plant annuals safely in the garden.

The Last Frost Date is just the date when your particular area is relatively safe from a killing frost, relatively being the operative word. Here we come to the tricky spot because even knowing this magical Last Frost Date does not guarantee it will not frost nor get cold enough to harm our fragile annual plants during the night-time hours between sunset and sunrise.

So, what good is knowing it? Just like knowing in which Hardiness Zone you reside and garden will enable you to grow plants suited to your area, the Last Frost Date will give you a general idea of when it is safe for the planting of tender annuals. Within each Hardiness Zone, however, there can be several different Last Frost Dates due to differences in elevation, the proximity to large cities and/or large bodies of water and how much rainfall or snow your region may get in the spring.

To know for certain what is your Last Frost Date and also in which Hardiness Zone you live go to and enter your city, town, village or the nearest one to you. This should give you the safest time for the earliest planting of the tenderest of annuals.

Now, a bit of friendly advice from one who knows through achingly harsh experience. Once you know your Last Frost Date do yourself a favor and add two weeks before you plant. Why? Jack Frost is a bit of a renegade and often cheats on Mother Nature. He tells her all is wonderful and safe, but as soon as she becomes complacent, he can turn nasty and spurn her without remorse. Once you’ve gardened long enough you will know this to be quite true.

So, take heed, be safe, learn your Last Frost Date and you’ll know for certain exactly when is the best time to plant tender annuals out in your garden without risking damage to them. You are now allowed to breath easy.

Author Glory Lennon Resource: For more fun gardening facts and amusing stories come visit