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Showing posts with label dark web. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dark web. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Interview by George Mehok author of Going Dark (Book 1 in the Liberty Unit series) (#interview)

I want to extend a warm welcome to George Mehok at Books R US. Mr. Mehok is the author of "Going Dark," the first book in the Liberty Unit Series, which will be published on November 15, 2024, by Atmosphere Press. The author has graciously provided us with an interview, but first, let me give you a brief overview of the book.


About the Book:

From the shadowy corners of the dark web to the historic halls of MIT, Paul Knox, a cyber forensics expert and former Air Force officer, is thrust into a high-stakes battle against a ruthless enemy. As he races to uncover a plot that threatens to plunge America into chaos, Paul must protect his brilliant daughter, Emma, whose cutting-edge research holds the key to the nation's survival.


Who or what was the inspiration for the book?


Becoming an author and deciding to write a novel was deeply inspired by my late father’s love of learning and reading, particularly smart, fast-paced thrillers with strong complex characters. He introduced me to titans in the thriller genre such as Stephen Hunter, Steve Berry, and Tom Clancy. We would read their books and spend hours discussing them—it was a special bond that I’ll always treasure.

My father was a decorated Air Force veteran who served honorably in the Korean War, following in the footsteps of his older brother, Paul Mehok, who served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Their commitment to service and their dedication to protecting the freedoms many of us often take for granted had a profound impact on the characters I developed in GOING DARK. This influence is embodied in cyber forensics expert and Air Force veteran Paul Knox, as well as the strong female protagonists Emma Knox and Liberty Unit agent Lia. Additionally, the historical storyline centers around Captain John 'Jack' Jouett, who's fight for freedom against a seemingly invincible British force, led him to accept a dangerous mission into enemy territory to deliver a crucial encrypted message from Thomas Jefferson to General Henry Knox at the Fort at West Point.

Additionally, the tragic events of 9/11 left a lasting impression on me, as it did on my entire generation. I vividly remember where I was and the impact it had on those close to me. Raising awareness of modern vulnerabilities, particularly in our telecommunications and energy infrastructures, was another motivation behind this story. As an entrepreneur and technologist, I see firsthand how our enemies could and likely are targeting these weaknesses through both traditional and cyberwarfare methods, infiltrating data centers, government systems, and manipulating social media to spread chaos and disrupt our way of life, and potentially opening the door for a broader attack. This blend of real-world threats and personal experience drove the creation of GOING DARK.


Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?

Writer’s block, to me, is more about pushing through the harder days than a total stop. I’ve found that sticking to a daily routine is key. Whether it’s writing, working, or exercising, consistency makes a difference. I write early in the morning, and it’s all about getting that first sentence down—even if I have to delete and rewrite it a few times. Once the words start flowing, the rest follows.

I don’t focus too much on perfecting the first draft of that day’s first page. The most important thing is to get my thoughts and emotions onto the page. The real magic then begins when I immerse myself in the world of my characters, and before long, the distraction of the day fades away. Writing transports me into another reality, and that’s when the story truly comes alive.


Can you tell me about your experience finding a publisher for the book?

As a debut author, navigating the publishing world was a learning curve. I was fortunate to receive advice from both successful self-published and traditionally published authors. Initially, I pursued the traditional route, querying dozens of agents and publishers. While I received great feedback, I ultimately chose to go with Atmosphere Press, a hybrid publisher that allowed me to maintain more control over the creative process.

Working with Atmosphere has been a fantastic experience. I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with a talented team—my editor, cover art designer, marketing team, and others. I’m thrilled with the final product and the level of input I’ve had along the way. It’s been an exciting journey, and I’m confident the partnership has resulted in a high-quality book that reflects my vision and will be entertaining for my readers.


What do you like to do for fun when you’re not writing?

When I’m not writing, I spend as much time as I can with my family. Whether we’re traveling, attending my twin daughters’ swim meets, or enjoying a day at Lake Erie, I treasure every moment. The north coast of Ohio and the shores of Lake Erie are some of our favorite places to relax, unwind and write.


Where do you like to go on vacation?

The Florida Keys are my favorite vacation spot—Key Largo, Islamorada, and Key West, to be specific. There’s something about the history, incredible fishing, the food, and laid-back atmosphere, not to mention the connection to artistic legends like Ernest Hemingway and Jimmy Buffet that always draws me back.


What are your current/future projects?

Right now, I’m focused on the marketing and pre-launch activities for GOING DARK, including interviews, scheduling events, and sharing advanced copies with readers. I’m also working on the audiobook production, which has been an incredible experience. John Marshall Media is producing it, with the talented voice actor Fleet Cooper bringing the story to life.

In addition, I’m writing the second book in the Going Dark - Liberty Unit Series. This time, Paul Knox’s brilliant mathematician daughter, Emma, takes center stage as she goes "dark" to uncover a plot to sabotage NASA and SpaceX efforts to establish a base on the moon. It’s a race against time to stop a foreign adversary’s sleeper spy in an international spy thriller.


Do you have any tips for young writers just starting out?

My advice for young writers is to follow your passion. Write about what excites you, and don’t be afraid to let that passion guide your work to places you didn’t anticipate. Also, find a writing community where you can share your experiences and learn from others. Writing can be a solitary journey, but having a support network can make all the difference. Surround yourself with people who inspire and challenge you—it’s an amazing community to be a part of.


If your book were to be made into a movie, who would you like to play the main character and why?

I haven’t given it too much thought, but I’d want someone who could capture the intelligence, intensity and emotional depth of Paul Knox, my main character. Paul is both an expert marksman and a cyber forensics expert, so I’d imagine someone such as Chris Pine, who played Jack Ryan in Shadow Recruit, would be a great fit. Or Ryan Gosling, who portrayed the cool and calculated Court Gentry in The Gray Man, could also be an excellent choice. Both actors have shown they can handle complex, high-stakes characters like Paul.

In the novel's revolutionary historical storyline, Captain John "Jack" Jouett is a rugged war hero—a 6'4", 220-pound force of nature. So naturally, I’d cast Chris Hemsworth. I mean, who else could convincingly pull off outrunning the British on horseback while also looking like a Marvel superhero? Hemsworth has that perfect mix of brawn and charm, and let’s be honest, if anyone’s going to make a 40-mile midnight ride through the backwoods in the dark of night, it's him. Plus, if Jack’s mission is to stop the capture and assassination of the future president, General George Washington. Chris could do that perfectly with some Thor-level acting…