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Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Guest Post by Randy C Dockens Author of Stele Prophecy Pentalogy (Christian Fiction)

I want to welcome Randy C Dockens to Books R Us. Randy is the author of a collection of five books in a biblical end times prophecy series called Stele Prophecy Pentalogy. Thanks to the author for providing a guest post for my readers.


Take Advice from Others with a Grain of Salt

When I first started out on my writing journey, I knew I did not know a lot about how to be an author. Therefore, I took everything I read as gospel and tried to follow what I read to the letter. I began to discover many “professional” writers, editors, agents, and publishers have a lot of pet peeves about writing requirements and I told myself I was not going to offend any of them. I tried my best to ensure my writing met all their requirements so when they received my manuscript it would not end up in their waste paper pile. Yet, when I attempted to comply, I found my writing became worse and not better. This is why my novel Mercy of the Iron Scepter went through so many revisions before it was ever published. I was constantly changing how I wrote due to the next pet peeve I read about. I then began to see that some of these “experts” contradicted other “experts.” I was then in a quandary until I began to look deeper. Let me give you some examples and I think you can better understand why I gave this piece the title I did and the reason for why I ended up in my quandary.

Here are some of the things I read, took to heart, and tried to comply completely: (1) the word that should never be used because it is superfluous, (2) the word was should be avoided because it is too vague and imparts passivity to the text, (3) exclamation marks should never be used because good writers can write in a way that will indicate the emotion rather than having to show it with an exclamation point, and (3) dialogue tags should not be used because they can be distracting and are a sign a writer has weak technical talent.

What I came to realize was that these were just pet peeves of certain writers, agents, editors, and publishers. They are not absolute requirements. Granted, each of these points are useful and can be taken to heart, but they are not gospel. These individuals should have clarified that one should be aware of these pitfalls and not overuse these writing elements. It is the overuse that is the faux pax and not their use itself. Actually, it is impossible to avoid each of these altogether. Well, I shouldn’t say it is impossible, but definitely there is no need for one to avoid them all together.

Let’s look at these pet peeves just mentioned. It is true that many times the word that can be omitted because it is superfluous. Yet, that is not always the case. It is true that was can often be passive and a better expressive word can be substituted, but not in every case. Regarding exclamation points, yes, one should write a sentence that a reader can tell is an exclamatory sentence. Yet shouldn’t one use an exclamation point if the sentence is an exclamation? I think the point is that an exclamation mark does not make a sentence an exclamation if the tone of the sentence is not written that way. And, finally, yes sometimes dialogue cues are not needed, and dialogue can be written without them. Yet, if there is any chance of a reader getting confused as to who is talking, then a dialogue tag is needed.

My conclusion from my initial struggle in this area is that one should take to heart what others say about writing tips and tricks, but realize they are just that: tips and tricks. You need to be sure your writing style and emotional content comes through loud and clear but in a way that uses good sentence structure, correct spelling, and proper grammar. But, if an element or emotion is needed that dictates not to use spelling, grammar, or sentence structure in their traditionally accepted way, then that is okay if what you write and the way you write it is intentional. Your reader will be able to tell if what you did was purposeful or not. So, you can do anything, just know you did it and that it was a purposeful change to accomplish something special for your reader.

So, yes, study all the proper ways of writing and proper writing techniques. Yes, try to avoid all the pitfalls writing experts warn you about. Yet, remember that the most important thing about your writing is you. If you get lost in your own writing, then your writing is lost. Your writing will be different from that of anyone else, and it should be different—unique to you. It should also be as good technically as you can make it and not lose the essence of you in the process. Even more importantly, you need to be purposeful. Your writing is to engage your reader, so be purposeful in your writing. Ask yourself questions about your writing. Why did I use that word? Why did I use that punctuation at that spot in the sentence? You don’t have to follow traditional methodology, but there is a caveat to that statement. You need to know that you did not follow traditional methodology and that you purposefully chose not to follow traditional writing techniques. Every sentence, every word, every punctuation should be purposeful—chosen by you as the author for a specific purpose, to elicit a specific emotion, feeling, or ambience.

If you would like to have a text to get you started in this regard, here are two that I think you can benefit from: Mastering the ABCs of Excellent Writing: Creating Vivid and Colorful Stories that Readers Want to Read and Mastering the ABCs of Excellent Self-Editing: Framing Your Colorful Masterpiece to Keep Readers Engaged in Your Story. These two books were recently published by myself and my editor. I wanted to pay it forward, so to speak, so others did not have to go through the same hardship that I did when I first started writing. My editor and I put these materials into a unique and fun format that I think many will appreciate. These two books are not the end-all for what to know about writing but will provide anyone with a good head start on their writing journey or even remind more seasoned writers of the fundamentals that we should never lose sight of. Also included are other references that writers will benefit from by having such tools in their writing arsenal.

The most important three elements are the following. Study. Learn. Write. Enjoy the process. But most of all, be purposeful. Your readers will thank you for it.



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Thursday, February 28, 2013


Title:Shattered (Alaskan Courage) 
Author: Dani Pettrey
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Date Published: Feb 1, 2013
Purchase Book: Amazon.

 About Shattered: 

With All the Evidence Against Him, Only a Sister's Trust Can Save Him Now
When her prodigal brother Reef's return to Yancey, Alaska, is shattered by his arrest for murder, Piper McKenna is determined to protect him.
Deputy Landon Grainger loves the McKennas like family, but he's also sworn to find the truth. And he knows those closest to you have the power to deceive you the most. With his sheriff pushing for a quick conviction, some unexpected leads complicate the investigation, and pursuing the truth puts Landon's career in jeopardy.
When Piper launches her own investigation, Landon realizes he must protect her from herself-and whatever complications await as the two follow clues deep into Canada's rugged backcountry. Not only does their long friendship seem to be turning into something more, but this dangerous case is becoming deadlier with each step. 
Find out what other reviewers think of Shattered here.
About the Book:

Dani Pettrey is a wife, homeschooling mom, and author. She feels blessed to write inspirational romantic suspense because it incorporates so many things she loves--the thrill of adventure, nail biting suspense, the deepening of her characters' faith, and plenty of romance. She and her husband reside in Maryland with their two teenage daughters.

Visit her website at

My Thoughts:

The novel was full of suspense, a bit of romance and full of twists and turns that kept me reading on. All of the characters were real and believable and I felt that I was part of the action.Even though I did not read the first book in the series, I did not have any difficulty figuring out who the characters were and what makes them tick. The book also touched on some issues such as drinking, and premarital sex in a way that was subtle and not overwhelming. I really liked Piper because she was so determined to prove that her brother Reef was innocent and found herself in situations that were dangerous. There is a romantic relationship that is developing between Piper and Landon. I wonder if it will blossom in the next book in the series Stranded.

Dani Pettrey is celebrating the release of Shattered with a Nook HD giveaway and a Facebook Author Chat Party {3/14}. 

Shattered Pettrey

One winner will receive:
  • A brand new Nook HD
  • Submerged and Shattered by Dani Pettrey {Be caught up in this riveting series.}
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on March 13th. Winner will be announced at the "Shattered" Author Chat Party on 3/14. Connect with Dani for an evening of book chat, trivia, and a chance to win gift certificates, books, and other fun prizes!

So grab your copy of Shattered and join Dani on the evening of the March 14th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book - don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun; RSVP todayTell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 14th!

+ Discover Together Bible Study series | Revelation by Sue Edwards

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book by Litfuse Publicity and Bethany House for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review

Sunday, February 3, 2013


New Home for Lily, A (The Adventures of Lily Lapp) by Suzanne Woods Fisher, Mary Ann Kinsinger
Genre: YA, Amish, Christian, Children
Publisher: Revell
Publication Date: February 1, 2013
Purchase Book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble.

About the Book: 

Lily Lapp is moving with her family to Pennsylvania to join a new Amish community. In this small town where changes--and newcomers--are greeted with suspicion, Lily must adjust to a new school, new friends, and Aaron Yoder, an annoying boy who teases her relentlessly. Still, there are exciting new developments, including an attic full of adventure and a new baby brother. But why, Lily wonders, can't God bring her just one sister?

The second novel in the charming Adventures of Lily Lapp series, A New Home for Lily gives children ages 8-12 a fascinating glimpse into the life of the Amish--and lots of fun and laughter along the way. It combines the real-life stories of growing up Amish from Mary Ann Kinsinger and the bestselling writing of Amish fiction and nonfiction author Suzanne Woods Fisher. With line illustrations throughout, this series is sure to capture the hearts of readers young and old.

My Thoughts: 

I had the opportunity to read the first book in the series and book two is just as good. Lily  gets to learn about death, relationships and has a life that is different from ours. Although the book was written for the younger reader, adults will enjoy the book also. The Amish have a life that is so much simpler than ours  but Lily knows how to have fun and enjoy life. I highly recommend the book because it is full of adventure, great characters, and short chapters that will keep you engaged. I look forward to reading book three in the series.

“Available February 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.” 

I was given a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Over the last couple of weeks, I have been reading and watching a new DVD curriculum called She's Got Issues: With Seriously Good News for Stressed-Out, Secretly Scared Control Freaks Like Us: A DVD Group Experience by Nicole Unice. It is designed for small group settings and is a six week course. The DVD includes a leader's guide and group handouts.

About the Book and DVD

We’ve all got our issues! Maybe you feel like life just isn’t going your way, or you’re afraid that you don’t measure up to other people’s expectations. Perhaps you have a hard time managing your temper or have someone in your life you just can’t forgive. We deal with our “issues” every day in one form or another; the problem is, after a while, they start to feel . . . normal. Unchanging. Just part of who we are. And we forget that we have access to the power of Christ—a power that can transform our everyday weaknesses into our greatest strengths and gifts.

In She’s Got Issues, Christian counselor, ministry leader, and regular mom Nicole Unice explores the ordinary issues that are keeping you from the full and free life you were meant to have. Applying years of counseling with practical scriptural teaching and a fresh and authentic voice, Nicole shows you how to let God freely shape your character—and transform your life from ordinary to abundant.

 My Thoughts:

The DVD and book are fantastic and full of information that is essential for all of us stressed out women. Nicole has a way with words and is able to bring faith into the book in a way that is not pushy and she made me think about my life. Chapter 7 "The Comparison Game" is an excellent chapter and discusses how we are constantly comparing ourselves to other people. She includes a assessment to find out where we fit in and how we can change our lives. According to the scores Nicole is able to provide us with insight and wisdom on how we can change the way we look at our selves and others.
All of the sessions on the DVD are short, easy to follow and just makes sense. The DVD discusses six major topics that include: Control, Insecurity, Comparisons, Fear, Anger and Unforgiveness. The DVD complements the book and I utilized the book when watching the DVD. I recommend that you obtain both the book and the DVD so you can get more information on the topic she is discussing.

Purchase the Book: Amazon
Purchase the DVD: Amazon
Books Site
Author's Site

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book and DVD from Tyndale House for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Now that the New Year has just begun and many of you have New Year's Resolutions and need motivation to follow them. I want to introduce you to a remarkable book full of inspirational stories, thoughts, quotes and  tips for everyday life called The One Year Uncommon Life Daily Challenge by Tony Dungy and N. Whitaker.

About the Book:

Strengthen the core of your life and faith on a year-long journey with beloved Super Bowl–winning former head coach Tony Dungy! The One Year Uncommon Life Daily Challenge contains 365 reflections from the #1 New York Times bestselling author on living an “uncommon life” of integrity, honoring your family and friends, creating a life of real significance and impact, and walking with the Lord. This year, step up to the challenge—and dare to be uncommon every day.
The book focuses on several themes: Core, Family, Friends, Potential, Mission, Influence and Faith. Each theme is repeated every seven days.

About the Authors:

 Tony Dungy:

 Tony Dungy is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Quiet StrengthUncommon, and The Mentor Leader. He led the Indianapolis Colts to Super Bowl victory on February 4, 2007, the first such win for an African American head coach. Dungy established another NFL first by becoming the first head coach to lead his teams to the playoffs for ten consecutive years.
He retired from coaching in 2009 and now serves as a studio analyst for NBC's Football Night in America. He and his wife, Lauren, are the parents of seven children.

 Nathan Whitaker: 

Nathan Whitaker is an attorney who lives in Florida with his wife and two daughters. He graduated from Harvard Law School and has worked in football administration for the Jacksonville Jaguars and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. His firm currently represents NFL and college coaches.


My Thoughts:

I am not a football fan and I did not even know who the author was until I had the opportunity to read the book. The book is full of inspiration, hope and encouragement to be a better person. Each day begins with a passage of scripture followed by a devotion that includes a story taken from the authors family life or athletic career. I have read many devotionals and have found many of them boring or they do not relate to my life but this book is quite different. Even though I do not follow sports or football, the stories about the sport were very easy to understand and the author was able to relate it to everyday life. The book was easy to read and understand. At the end of each page is a "Uncommon Key" to think about during the day. One of my favorite is on May 22nd and speaks about family. "Spend time with your family and loved ones- for no reason at all but to be there. You will witness miracles you might otherwise miss forever." Boy is that so true. There are times that work always interferes with our family and I have missed so many important events that occurred. So if you need a little motivation to keep your resolutions or just to make your life better this is the book for you. You will not be disappointed.

Connect with the Authors:

Would you like to win a copy of the book? 

Stop back tomorrow during the New Years Resolution Blog Carnival to enter.There will be so many blogs participating and they will try to help you keep your resolution.

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

Monday, November 21, 2011


I would like to welcome an up and coming author Sherri Wilson Johnson to Books R Us. Sherri is the author of To Dance Once More. Thanks for stopping by.

Hi! I am Sherri Wilson Johnson. I write heart-warming Inspirational fiction (Historical and Contemporary) that challenges readers to have faith even in life's most difficult of storms. Pure Romance is usually the main theme of my books but there is so much more to them than just that. I love to sprinkle in suspense and mystery, as well. Although my primary focus is ministering to women readers, I am a former homeschooling mom so much of what I write is suitable for the Young Adult market.
Writing has been a hobby of mine since I was a little girl. As a young adult, I began writing Inspirational Romances, which quickly became my favorite pastime and grew into a calling. My debut novel, To Dance Once More (OakTara), is set in Victorian-era Florida, bringing the romance of the beach, Victorian times, and debutante balls together (some of my favorite things). I hope to prove that true love still exists and that it is worth the wait. I never shy away from speaking candidly of the purity of not only the heroine but of the hero, as well, because I believe in today's world, we need to encourage both men and women to live pure lives. Writing is so much a part of who I am that I must use it to share what I am passionate about. I desire to point others to Jesus through my words.

Several things inspired me to write To Dance Once More -- my love of the beach, Victorian times, romance, and purity. But it takes little inspiration at all to make me write. I would write 24/7 if I could and often forget to eat when I'm heavy into my work. Becoming a published author has been a life-long dream and although getting that coveted contract was a long process, I can say it was totally worth the wait. For years I submitted manuscripts to publishers and agents. Looking back, those manuscripts and even the proposals were sloppy. But after taking a two-year writing course through the Christian Writers Guild, my writing improved and so did my submissions to publishers. Eventually, I received the contract from OakTara and what an exciting day that was.
My next book, Song of the Meadowlark (OakTara), will be out in May 2012 and the sequel to To Dance Once More should be out by the end of 2012. I am also polishing a third novel, After the Raging Storm, and working on a legal mystery and a sequel to Song of the Meadowlark. In addition to fiction, I also write homeschool resources and Bible studies, which I self-published, and are available on my secondary website .

Connect with the Author-
Book trailer:

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Welcome to the Blog tour of Branded: Sharing Jesus with a Consumer Culture by Tim Sinclair. A witty book on how people are "Branding " Jesus. Thanks for stopping by.

The church spends $1.5 million for every one new follower of Jesus. Apple sells 26 iPads every minute. What is it that makes Apple so exciting and Jesus so boring? What is it that compels someone to bring their iPod everywhere and their Bible nowhere? In a word: marketing. Jesus is a life-changing product with lousy salespeople-people who are intimidated and embarrassed by the word "evangelism" and who show more enthusiasm for their gadgets than their God.What would life look like if we could market our faith like Nike and Apple market their products--sharing relationally, from person to person? Using examples from these and other successful companies, author Tim Sinclair challenges Christians to throw out their casual attitudes toward faith and sign on for a marketing campaign for the Savior. Written with the wit and wisdom of an experienced marketer, Branded peels away the feelings of fear and shows readers how to share their faith in ways that are honest, authentic, and, most importantly, effective.

 My Thoughts-

When I first saw the cover of Branded, I became a little curious on what Tim was to say about advertising and the Christian Faith. Tim has a background in marketing and took a different twist on "evangelism." The book was written like a blog and was easy to read. Many Non fiction books tend to bore me but this book was much different because it was informative, interesting and right to the point. We all like our gadgets and some of us have hidden behind them. Tim encourages us all to break out of our shell and go out and speak to the non-believers in a way that they are able to relate to and bring back the true meaning of Jesus and faith. So go out and get a copy of the book. Maybe you will learn something new.

Please follow the other stops of the tour.

Kregel Publications is sponsoring a $50 giveaway 

About the Giveaway!

To enter all you have to do is send a tweet (using #litfuse) about Branded or share about it on Facebook!

If you tweet we'll capture your entry when you use @litfuse.If you share it on Facebook or your blog, just email us and let us know ( Easy.

Not sure what to tweet/post? Here's an idea.

TWEET THIS:  Branded by @timJsinclair - Jesus is a life-changing product with lousy sales-people! @litfuse

FACEBOOK THIS: Branded by Tim Sinclair is a compelling look at what Christians can learn from companies like Apple & Starbucks about sharing their faith! Jesus is a life-changing product with lousy sales-people!


Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book by Litfuse Publicity and I was not compensated for my review.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I want to welcome Angela Hunt to Books R Us. Angela is presently touring the blogosphere with her new book the The Fine Art of Insincerity.
The Fine Art of Insincerity: A Novel
Three grown Southern sisters have ten marriages between them—and more loom on the horizon—when Ginger, the eldest, wonders if she’s the only one who hasn’t inherited what their family calls “the Grandma Gene”: the tendency to like the casualness of courtship better than the intimacy of marriage. Could it be that her two sisters are fated to serially marry, just like their seven-times wed grandmother, Mrs. Lillian Irene Harper Winslow Goldstein Carey James Bobrinski Gordon George?  It takes a “girls only” weekend, closing up Grandma’s treasured beach house for the last time, for the sisters to really unpack their family baggage, examine their relationship DNA, and discover the true legacy their much-marrying grandmother left behind…

About the Author-

With nearly four million copies of her books sold worldwide, Angela Hunt is the bestselling author of more than one hundred books, including The Tale of Three Trees, Don’t Bet Against Me, The Note, and The Nativity Story. Hunt is one of the most sought-after collaborators in the publishing industry. Her nonfiction book Don’t Bet Against Me, written with Deanna Favre, spent several weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. Angela’s novel The Note (with sales of over 141,000) was filmed as the Hallmark Channel’s Christmas movie for 2007 and proved to be the highest rated television movie in the channel’s history. She often travels to teach writing workshops at schools and writers’ conferences, and she served as the keynote speaker at the 2008 American Christian Fiction Writers’ national conference. She and her husband make their home in Florida with mastiffs. In 2001, one of her dogs was featured on Live with Regis and Kelly as the second-largest dog in America.

My Thoughts- 

This is the first book that I had read by the author. All of the sisters had problems with their marriages that they had to deal with. The story was written in first person and each character had  their own mini-section with a different font for each. I have never read a book written in this style before and it was very interesting and clever. Penny and Ginger were able to discuss their problems but Rosie kept hers all bottled up. Rosie is very unhappy with her life and plans to end it all with her ailing Jack Russel by her side. I have to say that the book was not a page-turner but it had parts that were funny, serious and silly. The author also included a reading guide and author Q&A that I found very informative. Please visit the author's blog A Life in Pages and her website to read about all of her other books.

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book by Glass Road PR for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

Monday, April 25, 2011


I can remember the tragic events that occurred on December 9,2007 when a gunman invaded the campus of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado killing two teenagers and injuring many other people of the congregation. I asked myself why would anybody do such a terrible thing and how can you get over such a horrible event? Reading Pastor Boyd's book Fear No Evil: A Test of Faith, a Courageous Church, and an Unfailing God helped answer those questions for me.

Fear No Evil: A Test of Faith, a Courageous Church, and an Unfailing GodIn the years following the senseless and tragic shooting on the campus of New Life Church. Senior Pastor Brady Boyd has received countless questions from the faith-filled and faithless alike. As the nation watched the suffering congregation reel from the gunman's rampage and, later, steady their stance once more, the one question on everyone's mind was, 'How has New Life weathered such a horrible storm so well?' In Fear No Evil, Boyd answers with eloquence and grace, paving a path toward hope to anyone walking through the 'valley of the shadow of death' and is tempted to camp out there. This story of tragedy and triumph will release you from life's common traps of doubt and despair. Whether you are a parent who has lost a child, a single mom who feels overwhelmed, a middle-aged man starting over after bankruptcy, a student trying to make sense of life and the world at large, or simply someone who wonders where God is in the midst of your suffering, the considerations and counsel offered here will serve as a lifeline for your soul. 

About the Author-

Pastor Brady is a gifted communicator and teacher with a passion for speaking practical, relevant messages that equip and inspire. He is responsible for leading all the staff and ministries of New Life Church. Before coming to New Life in August, 2007, Pastor Brady served as the Associate Senior Pastor of Gateway Church in the DFW Metroplex. While there, Gateway grew from 100 to over 12,000 active members in just six years. Pastor Brady is a Louisiana native and is a graduate of Louisiana Tech University. He is married to Pam and they have two children - Abram and Callie. Pastor Brady enjoys golf, hunting, fishing and spending lots of time with his family. Follow Brady on Twitter: @pastorbrady 

 My Thoughts-

Pastor Boyd wrote a book that was full of love, sadness, hope, and tragedy. In reading the account of the shooting, I became very upset and I asked my self  "Who would do such a bad thing?"  Pastor Boyd's candor and use of scripture throughout the book has taught me that God is always there to assist you in your journey. He opened up his heart to us and showed us his true emotions and how he was able to overcome them. I am not a spiritual person and only attend mass on holidays, but I have learned a lot from reading the book. In the beginning of each chapter, Pastor Boyd included quotes from famous people. My favorite quote was by Thelma Wells "God does not always heal us instantly the way we think. He is not a jack-in-the-box God. But God is walking with me through this." Boy is that so true because we live in a society where we want things instantly and that is not how God works. I highly recommend this inspirational book to everyone. Would you like to win a copy of the book?


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Extra Entries-
  1.  Follow me via GFC +2
  2. Follow Books R Us on Twitter.
  3. Like Books R Us on Facebook.
  4. Follow Pastor Boyd on twitter.

Contest ends May 7th at 11:59pm EST. Winner will be picked by The winner will be sent an email and has 48hrs to respond or another winner will be announced.


  Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book from Zondervan for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Divine Appointments: A Novel (A Snowglobe Connections Novel)With the big 5-0 fast approaching, Josie Brooks begins to question her structured, picture-perfect (mid)life. 
Josie Brooks, at the age of 47, thought she was leading an enviable single life. A successful consultant, she calls her own shots, goes where the money is, and never needs to compromise. But her precisely managed world begins to falter during a Chicago contract when an economic downturn, a bleeding heart boss, and the loyalty and kindness between endangered employees ding her coat of armor.
Throw in hot flashes, a dose of loneliness, a peculiar longing for intimacy, an unquenchable thirst—not to mention a mysterious snowglobe with a serene landscape, complete with a flowing river and lush greenery that seems to be beckoning her in—and Josie’s buttoned-up life is on the verge of coming completely undone. Maybe her solitary existence isn’t as fulfilling as she has convinced herself to believe.
It will take a few new friends, a mystical encounter, and an unexpected journey to set Josie on her own path to “right-sizing” and making the life changes that really matter. Filled with laugh-out loud moments and a gentle dash of inspiration, Divine Appointments is another heartwarming charmer from a master storyteller.

My thoughts

This is the first novel that I had read by the author and I did enjoy it.. The main character Josie, was single, had a perfect life and was a little compulsive.  There were many characters introduced in the book and it took me a while to figure them out. There were sad and humorous parts throughout the book that kept my attention. Although the book is Christian based, it was very subtle and not overwhelming.  The snow globe did not appeal to me and I felt it served no purpose in the story and could have been left out. Overall the storyline was interesting and relevant for today's problems.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.