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Tuesday, October 1, 2024


I want to welcome J. F. Jones to Books R Us. J.D. is the author of the book Soul Love: Time Travel Romance. J.D is touring the Blogosphere with Pump Up Your Book. J.D. has written an interview just for Books R Us. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the blog Tour.


About the Book:




Title: Soul Love

Author: D.F. Jones

Publisher: Jones Media

Publication Date: September 3, 2024

Pages: 160

Genre: Fantasy, Time Travel Romance, Past Lives Romance



From USA Today bestselling author D.F. Jones comes Soul Love, a mesmerizing tale of past lives, time travel, and an unbreakable bond that transcends time itself.
What if a simple dinner invitation could change your life forever?
When Summer Jewel accepts a dinner invitation from her enigmatic new neighbor, her world is turned upside down. Suddenly transported to 1926 Heartsville, she uncovers shocking truths about a past life she never knew existed. This revelation ignites a journey brimming with turbulent emotions and undeniable desires, leaving her questioning everything she thought she knew.
Meanwhile, Rogan Randolph, a dedicated agent of The Order of the Invisible Effect, is tasked with subtly guiding the course of human history. His orderly world is thrown into chaos when a portal to his own past unexpectedly opens, offering him a chance to right a wrong. His mission becomes inextricably linked with Summer's, as she is the very woman he encounters in the future.
Together, Summer and Rogan must navigate the intricate complexities of love and destiny, confronting the mysteries of their intertwined past lives. Their actions ripple through time, challenging the very fabric of reality and altering the course of their journey. True love is never lost, and some connections last forever.
Escape into Soul Love, where destiny and passion weave a captivating narrative that explores the enduring power of love and the intriguing possibilities of fate.
Prepare to be swept off your feet with this spellbinding story of love, loss, and the magic of second chances.
Soul Love is available at Amazon

Welcome, D.F.! Can you tell us when you started writing?

D.F.: Wow, what an amazing journey this writing adventure has been! Reflecting on how it all started, I can’t help but feel a surge of gratitude for the path that led me here. From the early days, my dad was the storyteller in our family—the original bard who spun tales that filled our home with magic. His stories were my first taste of the extraordinary, sparking a flame in my imagination that still burns bright.

My first official foray into writing was starting a school newspaper, a small but significant step that allowed me to bring stories to life. I still remember adapting "Frankenstein" into a screenplay—it was like discovering a new world, one where I could blend the old with the new, weaving my own twist into a classic tale. That was when I knew storytelling was in my blood.

Running an advertising agency later on brought a different kind of storytelling into my life. Each campaign was a mini-narrative, a 30-second challenge to capture hearts and minds. It was a fast-paced, creative whirlwind that taught me how to communicate effectively and make every second count. I even developed a thirty-minute television show for one client.

Life, however, has a way of rewriting our scripts. When I found myself caring for my parents, fiction became my sanctuary—a world where I could explore the boundless ‘what ifs’ that danced in my mind. Writing became more than just a creative outlet; it was my escape, my way of navigating life’s ups and downs. Each story I wrote was a doorway to a new universe, a chance to explore the endless possibilities of the human experience.

Can you tell us how you came up with your title?

D.F.: My spiritual side has always drawn me to the invisible threads that connect us all—threads that weave through souls and stars alike. This fascination with the eternal dance of souls profoundly influences my writing. When the idea of a new time-travel tale centered around past lives started taking shape, I knew it had to explore these mystical connections.

I imagined Summer and Rogan’s story as something far beyond a fleeting romance; I wanted it to capture a love that defies the boundaries of time. That’s how the title Soul Love came to be. It’s not just about a romance that makes your heart flutter; it’s about a bond so deep and enduring that it echoes through the ages, bringing two souls together in every lifetime they encounter.

On a personal level, Soul Love resonates deeply with me. It mirrors the connection I share with my husband—a love that feels timeless, as though our souls have been intertwined for centuries. Writing this story became my tribute to that kind of love that feels destined, written in the stars, and cherished with every heartbeat.

Soul Love is a celebration of repeatedly finding your soulmate, proving that some loves are not just for one lifetime but for all time.

Can you tell us a little about your main characters?

D.F.: Meet Summer Jewel, my protagonist, a woman who shares my love for quaint hometowns. She owns a charming bookstore right in the town square. She also watches the enchanting transformation of an old Victorian house across the street from her home. The makeover is the work of a talented interior designer who leaves an open invitation for Summer to explore. And explore she does, especially when a certain attic door seems to whisper her name, urging her to uncover its secrets.

Her curiosity doesn’t go unnoticed. Rogan Randolph, the new next-door neighbor, catches her snooping and, intrigued, invites her over for dinner in his now beautifully restored home. A tornado literally throws them together, igniting a romance as unexpected as finding a first-edition novel at a yard sale. But that attic? It’s like a siren’s call. Summer isn’t just peeking into history; she’s living it, waking up in 1926 and inhabiting another woman’s life.

Through her journey, Summer discovers the threads of reincarnation, realizing that love isn’t just a fleeting moment but the enduring force that weaves through the tapestry of our many lives. Her adventure is about unraveling past lives’ mysteries and exploring love’s timeless dance.

Rogan Randolph defies the stereotype of the solitary time traveler. As part of The Order of the Invisible Effect, he dances through the ages with the grace of a seasoned historian and the precision of a master clockmaker. Wealthy, resourceful, and undeniably strong, Rogan adapts to any epoch with enviable ease. His charisma and sharp humor make him a beloved figure across timelines.

Yet, there’s more to Rogan than his affable exterior. He harbors a steely resolve and can switch from charming to deadly when facing off against The Chronos Vanguard, adversaries who wish to dictate the flow of time itself, contrasting sharply with Rogan’s fight for temporal freedom. He’s a warrior at heart, never shying away from conflict when justice is on the line.

Love, however, has touched Rogan only once, leaving a mark deeper than any time could erase. He believed that chapter closed until fate, with its penchant for drama, decided otherwise. The cosmos has its own plans, weaving paths back to lost loves, proving that some connections are too strong for even time to sever. Rogan’s saga is woven with threads of bravery, endurance, and an unwavering belief in love’s timeless power. His quest isn’t merely to witness or alter history but to reconnect with the one soul that resonates with his, no matter how vast the temporal divide is.

Watch out for Rogan Randolph., In the fluid tapestry of time where nothing is quite as it seems, he stands as a testament to the idea that some battles, especially those for love and liberty, are eternal.

If you were going to hang out with one of your characters, who would that be?


D.F.: If I could step into the world of Soul Love for a day, I’d choose to hang out with Summer Jewel. Imagine spending a day in her charming bookstore, Jewel’s Literary Gems, where every book seems to whisper tales of adventure and romance. We could sip on some tea, surrounded by the scent of old pages and new stories, discussing our favorite literary escapes.


Or perhaps we’d venture out to the serene trails behind Rogan’s grand mansion. There’s something magical about those paths, where the hustle of modern life fades into the whispers of the leaves and the quiet stories of the earth. It’s the perfect setting for Summer to share insights into her life and her unique connection with time, and maybe, just maybe, she’d let slip some secrets about her time-traveling escapades that I couldn’t squeeze into the book.


I envision our conversation meandering from the mysteries of reincarnation to the simple joys of life in Heartsville. With her profound understanding of the universe’s workings, Summer would no doubt offer perspectives that make you rethink your place in the cosmos. And who knows? Maybe she’d show me a hidden nook in the bookstore where time feels slightly different or share a moment where past and present blur, just for us. Spending a day with Summer wouldn’t just be about exploring her world; it would be an invitation to explore deeper into my own beliefs about love, destiny, and the endless dance of time.


Where is this book set and why did you choose that setting?


D.F.: Soul Love unfolds its narrative across two distinct periods: the contemporary world and the vibrant year of 1926, both set within the quaint embrace of a Southern U.S. town. My roots are deeply Southern, and there’s an allure to these small towns that’s hard to resist. They’re not just places but characters in their own right, brimming with community spirit, layers of history, and that hint of enigma that makes for a perfect backdrop for any tale, especially one about love through the ages.


Having grown up in such an environment, I’ve seen the evolution of small-town life, where, despite the changes, some elements remain untouched by time. Though it has grown, my town still clings to that quaint charm. This blend of the known with the endless potential for discovery drew me to this setting.


The choice of 1926 was deeply personal. It was the early 20th century my grandparents’ love story began, a tale that has always fascinated me. My grandfather’s eyes would sparkle with life whenever he spoke of my grandmother, a woman I never had the chance to meet but feel connected to through their love. Finding a love letter from her to him was like unearthing a relic of pure emotion, a testament to their timeless bond. This letter, this piece of history, inspired me to weave their era into my story.


By setting part of Soul Love in 1926, I aimed to capture the romance of that time, where every written word in a letter was a piece of one’s soul, and every meeting under the Southern sky was charged with significance. This setting allowed me to pay homage to my grandparents’ enduring love and explore how love stories like theirs are not confined by the years but are echoed through time. Through Summer and Rogan, I delve into what it means to find a love that feels like coming home in a place that feels timeless yet steeped in history, much like the love that has always inspired me.

One of the descriptions of your book is that it’s about second chances. Can you elaborate?

D.F.: Talking about second chances is a bit of a spoiler alert for Soul Love, but I’ll try to give you a peek without giving too much away. At the story’s heart is the idea that time, fate, and love are far more intertwined than we might think. For Rogan Randolph, a time traveler able to move through different eras, this connection is both a gift and a curse.

Rogan has experienced loss so profound that it left him feeling empty, his heart heavy with the memories of a love he believed was lost forever. The pain of that loss shaped him, making him cautious, guarded, and reluctant to open his heart again. But as we all know, life—and love—can surprise us when we least expect it.

Time and destiny have a magical way of weaving their threads, and for Rogan, this means a second chance at the love he thought was gone. Soul Love is about how the universe often works in mysterious ways to bring people back together, giving them another chance to make things right, to love again, and to find happiness.

In the story, this theme of second chances is not just about rekindling an old romance; it’s about healing, forgiveness, and the courage to embrace love despite the risks. It’s a reminder that sometimes, what we think is lost forever might just be waiting for the perfect moment to return.

So yes, Soul Love is very much about second chances. It’s about how love, no matter how many lifetimes pass, always finds its way back to those who are truly meant to be together.

What’s next on your writing to do list?


D.F.:  The quill never rests, and I’m excited to give you a sneak peek at what’s simmering on my writing stove! Topping the list is Soul Love Book 2. Yes, you heard that right! Summer and Rogan’s saga is far from over. I’m currently weaving through the fabric of time, unraveling more secrets, deepening their bond, and facing new challenges that test the very essence of their timeless love. There are layers yet to peel back, and I’m just as eager as you are to see where their journey leads.


But that’s not all. I’m also donning the producer’s hat, converting my treasure trove of past novels into audiobooks. It’s like watching my characters step off the page and start speaking. This venture has been incredibly rewarding, offering a new way for readers—or now, listeners—to dive into the worlds I’ve created. Whether on a road trip or just relaxing at home, these audio adventures are ready to whisk you away.


And then, there’s the glimmer of scales and the whisper of wings—a new project where dragons soar into my narrative universe. Imagine a tale where the damsel isn’t in distress but is instead the dragon’s salvation. This story is still in its embryonic stage, but its growing wings promise a blend of enchantment, peril, and romance that challenges the very notion of fate. Dragons have always captured my imagination, and I’m thrilled to craft a legend of my own.


So, there you have it—a glimpse into the future from my writing desk. With each project, I aim to explore new horizons and delve into the heart of what makes us human and, perhaps, what makes us more than that. Keep your eyes peeled for more updates, and thanks for having me.

About the Author


USA Today Best-Selling Author, #1 International Bestseller, #1 Amazon Bestseller, D. F. Jones began her career as a broadcast consultant at the ABC Affiliate in Nashville, which led her to open an advertising agency. She downsized her agency to care for her parents. Writing is a source of creative expression for D.F. Jones, but it also releases stress. Writing takes her to a place where anything is possible, and fiction takes her to a place made of dreams.

Whether it’s angels and demons, time travel adventures, witches, wizards, or ghosts, her books are action-packed with supernatural and romantic elements.

She’s happily married to the love of her life and best friend. They have two beautiful sons whom she loves and adores more than life itself. She loves to laugh, and her husband keeps her in stitches! She’s a fan of the Tennessee Titans and enjoys working in her flower gardens.












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