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Wednesday, July 27, 2016


 Thanks to, I got the opportunity to view and review the movie Ashes of Eden. Written and directed by Shane Hagedorm.

About the movie-

Ashes of Eden tells the story of 18 year-old Red. Red has made some bad choices, and he knows he’s made a lot of mistakes in his short life. Although he has already done his time, it seems he will never be done paying the consequences for his actions. He finds that having a bad reputation along with an inexplicable ability to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time is a bad mix and he can never seem to escape the broken world he finds himself in.

Although he is trying to do the right thing, he ends up back in the drug world selling stolen drugs to help his police officer mother make ends meet every month. When lives are lost and relationships are destroyed, Red begins to question his faith. Finding himself at the center of the struggle and unable to escape his dark path, can Red ever find redemption from his past?  

My Thoughts:

I watched the movie yesterday and I was not impressed with the movie. I know that this is an independent film but I found the plot slow moving and I was tempted to turn it off numerous times. The scenes did not flow and the actors did not look their age(they looked older than seniors in high school). 

The acting was very flat and some of the actor's emotions did not fit the scene. Especially when they were pointing guns at each other and one lit up a cigarette and did not look scared at all. Not realistic. There was a lot of swear words that were blocked in the movie but you knew what they said. The movie was unrated and I feel that it should be rated PG-13 due to the swearing and the content. There were some violent scenes and the ending was unexpected. 


received a complimentary copy of this movie from Fish Flix for for my honest review.


1 comment:

  1. You should celebrate and share the happiness of everything. Christmas is one of them. It's the beginning of your New Year. Every new beginning is the start of a new journeyWendy Williams


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