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Sunday, July 31, 2011


 It's almost time for the school year to start back.  Already?  Yes!  And what better what to start off the school year than with a Kindle 3G?
It's the perfect on the go distraction for you whether you are sitting in line waiting to pick up the kiddos or lounging on the porch enjoying the cooler weather!  Kindle 3G is awesome!  It allows you to download books anytime, anywhere, while on the go—without having to find a Wi-Fi hotspot connection!  But you want to know what is even more awesome than the Kindle itself?  Getting one for FREE!  I have partnered with a group of fantastic bloggers to give you a FREE Kindle 3G!  Amazing!  Yes!  Too good to be true!  No!  So before I tell you how to enter, let me introduce you to the fantastic blogs behind this unbelievable giveaway!

So I know you're drooling over this awesome giveaway right now!  But how do you enter to win?  Simple!  Just fill out the easy Rafflecopter form below!  Be sure to follow all sponsor's Facebook pages for your mandatory entries and then check out and follow our blogs!  You'll get 2 additional entries for each blog you follow!  It's so easy and so worth it!  Are you ready? Good!  Then GO!


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