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Friday, April 29, 2011


I know that graduations are just around the corner and many people are planning to host a party to celebrate the event. I found this great article that can help make the planning easier and more fun.

Planning For A Graduation Party Checklist

A graduation party should be a joyous occasion, whether it’s to celebrate the finishing of kindergarten, high school, university, or a specialty school of some sort. It should be a time for friends and family members to get together and congratulate the graduate on his/her accomplishment. These can be simple gatherings or elaborate shindigs. The following information should be helpful in planning one of these memorable get-togethers.
In order to make sure that all areas are covered, for this party to be successfully carried out, making a list of what needs to be accomplished is probably the handiest method. As an item on the list is purchased or completed, it can then be crossed off. Not only is this a handy way to make sure that everything is done, but it also feels like things are being accomplished as each task is checked off of the list. These lists work well for people who are already extremely organized.
Invitations are usually the first item that people want to take care of, whether they are home made or store bought. These need to include the location of the party, date and time, and any contact information.
Some people will still bring the graduate a card, even if the invite says not to bring a gift. Decorations can range from a few streamers in the doorway and hung around the house, to large elaborate table displays, ice sculptures, and balloons galore.
Picking out decorations for the party will depend on a few different aspects; budget, type of party, age of the person graduating, and personal preference. The budget amount tends to be the big deciding factor, the majority of the time. Sometimes the location of the party will also determine the type of decorations. People who live in very rural communities might have to travel quite a ways to get supplies or order from an online store and have it shipped.
Cakes can be purchased at a deli, from a fancy cake decorator, or made from scratch. Most delis need at least 48 hours to get a cake decorated correctly, some might need more time. Well known cake decorators often need a few weeks, especially during the summer when there are a lot of weddings going on.
Things tend to get rushed when the date for the party gets closer. If the cake is going to be ordered from a deli or caterer, this needs to be done as soon as possible, to make sure they are able to have it finished in time.
Planning a graduation party can be an excellent experience. It doesn’t have to be a highly stressful time. Making a list first is one way to make things run smoother. Another option is to have multiple people to help with all the party planning. If each person is in charge of something, or even a couple of things, this will make it easier to cover all areas necessary for a truly successful event. When there are a lot of people involved with the planning, then coming up with decorating ideas is usually a lot easier as well.
Mark Vaccaro researches and writes extensively on the best practices in online marketing. Some articles that I recommend reading can be found on the topics of stopping excessive shyness and things to know about therapy.


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