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Tuesday, December 21, 2010



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In Where the Rain is Made, a decadent-looking savage captures Francesca DuVall and her brother Marsh, she spends every waking moment planning an escape. She didn’t count on the powerful draw of desire interfering with her scheme while in the clutches of the brutal Cheyenne Dog Soldiers.

Ethan Gray is a curator at a national museum . . . most of the time. When he travels through time to help his beloved People he’s Meko, leader of the most revered and feared tribe of the plains. Their worlds are decades apart and yet Meko can’t resist the dark beauty he kidnapped during a raid. Violent battles loom on the horizon, but there’s only one he must win at all costs – the capture of Cesca’s heart forever.

From the windswept plains of Colorado and the harsh life of a Dog Soldier to the placid life of a curator, their love was fueled by passion and kindled by destiny.

About the Author-

Keta Diablo lives in the Midwest portion of the country on six acres of beautiful woodland.
When she's not writing, she loves to garden and read. Currently, she writes for Noble Romance, Decadent Publishing, Phaze Publishing and Amber Quill Press.

My Thoughts-

This is a fantastic book. The author did a lot of research into the history and the culture of the Dog Soldiers. The book was full of action, romance, and I could feel the character's emotions throughout the story. The way  time travel was incorporated in the story was believable and and worked very well with the storyline. It was a page-turner and I could not put it down. Would you like a copy of this great book? Enter my contest.

And Now for the contest-

Thanks to Keta, I am able to give away 2 copies of the book. (Digital Copy)

To enter-

Please put all entries into one comment. Thank You!

1. Please leave a comment with your email. +1
2. Become a follower of my blog via Google connect +2
3.  Follow Keta on twitter  +2
4   Follow Books R Us (@ginger_high) on twitter +1

Contest ends 1/4/11 @11:59pm Eastern

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from the author and I was not compensated for my review


  1. Thanks so much for the kind words about Where The Rain Is Made. I loved writing about Meko and Cesca.

    A blessed holiday to you and yours, Keta

  2. Sounds like a great book! Thanks!

    +2 Follow both @baddict17
    +1 Comment
    +1 GFC follower

  3. I would enjoy this book. Thanks for the chance.

    +1 comment
    +2 Follower on GFC


Thanks for stopping by. I look forward in reading all of your great comments. Have a great day!