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Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Virtually Dead by Flick Faulds (in Real Life (RL) Peter May) involves the virtual world of Second Life (SL). Second Life is a world where you become a totally different person. In the book, Crime-scene photographer Michael Kapinsky is a man whose first life is in total shambles and his second life is going to get alot worse. Since the death of his wife, Michael has been struggling with a financial burden. He has not been able to move on, his psychologist persuades him join a therapy group in Second Life. His SL name is Chas Chesnokov. He discovers that the victims who Michael investigated in RL crime scenes have had their avatars executed and their accounts deleted. When he enters the world he joins the Twist of Fate Detective Agency. Chas embarks on an investigation an escort girl called Doobie. There a numerous murders and there is a financial scam and the murderer is making millions of dollars. Michael is surprised to find over three million dollars suddenly deposited in Chas’s account. He then realizes that his real and second lives are in danger.

My Review-
I have an active avatar in the Second Life world and I am familiar with the lingo that is used in the book. The book is well written and the transition from SL to RL is very smooth. The author is very descriptive and portrays the virtual world accurately. In SL you communicate via IM and the author incorporates that in the book. I have never read a novel by this author before. I am looking forward to his next book. If you like a good thriller this is the book for you. Check out the great trailer.

 Also Known as Cozmoe Cortes in Second Life

Disclaimer: I received a digital version of the book from Net and I was not compensated for the review.


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